Here, at Annik Technology Services, we employ an offshore model that has been perfected over the last two years. In this time, we have come to understand what works best in order to meet the requirements of remote clients. Our innovative global resource network enables clients to execute projects round the clock, in a timely yet cost-effective manner, achieving exceptional quality levels. A few key areas are mentioned below:


Effective communication is vital for an offshore development arrangement to work. Although there will be several modes of communication employed by both sides, we have listed some of the more important ones:

Written Communication: SRS and daily emails
Telecommunication: weekly / biweekly conference calls


We have taken steps to document the overall offshore development methodology we utilize. We would be happy to send you a copy of this set of documents. It includes:

Coding Standards
Documentation Templates
Acceptable Communications Parameters
Timesheet Reporting Formats

Progress Monitor

An online tool called "Progress Monitor" would be provided for each client to keep track of the progress of different modules in the project. This also enables the users to post issues and get answers.

Customer HelpDesk

The following documents will be provided to allow the client's Customer HelpDesk to more effectively support the users:

Implementation and Training Manuals
Detailed document with common issues and solutions to them

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